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Structured Frontend Development Course
For Engineers, by Engineers!
Are are you excited about creating pixel perfect UI ?
Worry not! we are here to help you out.
  • Live lectures to ensure synchronization.
  • Roadmaps to give you ideas of the complete path.
  • Articles to make you solid developers !
  • projects that can give you real-world jobs !
  • Real world experience
  • Guidance from mentors that help you in the job hunt !
Want to know how industry level scalable frontend works?
  • Get into depth of frontend development.
  • Advance learning with advanced development patterns.
  • Articles to make you solid developers !
  • Learn with easy to understand lectures !
  • Learn in-demand technologies such as NextJs, Typescript, and much more.
Basic Frontend Articles
Learn basic to concepts of frontend development
HTML, CSS, Javascript as well as Web Fundamentals.
    CSS - Basic

    What is styling and how we do it on web?

    CSS - Basics

    The ways of applying styles in the HTML document

    Javascript - Intermediate

    Map, Filter and Reduce methods in JS

    JavaScript - Basic

    What is DOM and how does it works

    CSS - Basic

    Types of CSS integration

    CSS - Basic

    Color and Text properties of CSS

    CSS - Intermediate

    Introduction to flex box

    CSS - Advance

    Flex container properties

    CSS - Advance

    CSS Media Queries and breakpoints

    CSS - Advance

    CSS Grid layout and it's properties

Advance Frontend Articles
Learn advanced frontend concepts of Frontend development
ReactJS,NextJS,Tailwind CSS,TypeScript and System design
    React - Basics

    Why ReactJS is Invented? and it's internals

    React - Intermidiate

    What is Reconciliation and Virtual DOM

    React - Intermediate

    The requirement of state management in React

    React - Intermediate

    Introduction to React Hooks and their need?

    React- Advanced

    The Higher Order Components in React

    NextJS - Advanced

    Difference between CSR, SSG, SSR and ISR

    NextJS - Intermediate

    Dyanamic Routing and Nested Routing in NextJS

    React- Advanced

    Dependency Injection Pattern in ReactJS

    NextJS- Advanced

    Parallel and Intercepting Routing & Route Handlers

3 Months Plan   —
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Yes, they are extremely beginner-friendly. The platform itself is designed to provide easy-to-understand detailed roadmaps, articles as well as live lectures, which allows you to learn at your own pace.

We, at Frontend World offer you state-of-the-art articles to tackle all your doubts as well as interest, along with detailed roadmaps and live lectures.

Definitely Not! We provide detailed courses for frontend development along with roadmaps, articles, and live one-on-one doubt sessions with mentors.

The most unique element about us is that we have covered concepts from basic to advanced levels, thus helping you in your frontend journey all the way. All these levels have unique topics and concepts covered throughout the course as well.

Yes, although everyone may not need it, we definitely suggest you purchase the subscription as we can guarantee that it will prove as a helpful decision in your frontend development journey.

The Non-Premium Subscription includes free roadmaps, free project ideas with their code, and some articles.

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