
Learn by building awesome projects 🚀

Youtube Static Clone
Welcome to our YouTube static clone project! We've recreated the pixel-perfect YouTube homepage using HTML and CSS. Advanced CSS concepts like flexbox, grid, and media queries ensure responsiveness.
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Functional Stopwatch
Crafting a stopwatch with HTML for structure, CSS for design, and JavaScript for dynamic time tracking. Features include start and stop functions for accurate time measurement and user interaction."
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Functional Calculator
Developing a fully functional calculator leveraging HTML for structure, CSS for aesthetics, and JavaScript for interactive computations. Includes essential arithmetic functions
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To Do List
Build a To-Do List with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Use components like TodoList, TodoItem, and AddTodo. Manage state with JavaScript, handle tasks (add, delete, complete), and style with CSS
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Weather App
Create a Weather App using ReactJS for structure and functionality, TailwindCSS for styling, and fetch data from a weather API. Display current weather information dynamically based on geolocation.
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Music Player
Build a music player interface using ReactJS for structure, Redux for state management, an API for fetching audio files, and TailwindCSS for the best UI.
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Realtime designing tool
Build a designing tool like Figma, with realtime collaboration feature and lot of other features. This is a project that will make your resume standout.
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Admin Dashboard
The Admin Dashboard is a powerful and intuitive web application designed to provide administrators with comprehensive insights and management capabilities. Built using React.js, TypeScript, Recharts, SCSS, Vite.
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Realtime chat application
Create a real-time chat application using React.js for the frontend, Firebase Realtime Database for data storage and real-time messaging, and SCSS for styling.
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AI bot using openAI API
Create a chat bot using Next.js with server-side rendering, TypeScript for type safety, and Tailwind CSS for styling. Implement chatGPT AI tool but with exception UI.
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